Zuma Restaurant – Hotel Weißes Rössl


Where a culinary concept meets interior design

Transforming a world famous restaurant concept into an interior design concept comes with a special set of challenges. There is the need to create the appropriate setting for a restaurant of the highest quality, whilst meeting the needs of discerning international diners. The result: The combination of an exclusive atmosphere and an unforgettable dining experience with a sense of real intimacy. 



February 2019 – December 2019


Concept, execution, building supervision of public areas



A variety of influences come together to create an impressive sense of space

Paris Grand Hotels, the worldwide locations of Zuma restaurants, together with a variety of designs by Vincenzo de Cotiis are among the main inspirations for this concept. The combination of international and traditional influences resulted in the creation of a unique experience. The highlight of the entire building is the selective arrangement of mirrors and lights and the resulting interaction of reflections and architectural boundaries.

